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Last updated on: August 22nd, 2024

Labor Requirements

Portugal labor regulation is governed by the Labor Code of 2009 (last amendment 2023). The Labor Code governs the terms and conditions of employment such as working hours, holidays and rest periods, wages, overtime, employment relationships.

Hours & Pay Regulations

Normal Working Hours

The standard working hours shall not exceed 8 hours a day and 40 hours a week (exclusive of overtime)


The average weekly working time, including overtime, cannot exceed 48 hours, in a reference period established in a collective labor regulation agreement that does not exceed 12 months or fails this in a reference period of 4 months. In calculating the average, annual leave is subtracted from the reference period in which they are taken. The days of absence due to illness and the days of parental leave, initial or complementary, and days off to assist children with disabilities or chronic illness are considered hours worked for the reference period.


Reference periodThe average duration of work is calculated by reference to a period established in a collective labor regulation that is not longer than 12 months or, failing that, a period of 4 months.


Work ScheduleWorking hours are basically the determination of the start and end times of the normal daily work period and the rest interval, as well as the weekly rest. The beginning and end of the normal daily work period may occur on consecutive days. The employer prepares the work schedule taking into account the legal provisions and the applicable collective labor regulation, which must include:

    • Company name or name of the employer;
    • An activity carried out;
    • Headquarters and place of work of the employees to which the timetable relates;
    • Beginning and end of the period of operation and, if any, day of closure or suspension of operation of the company or establishment;
    • Start and end times of normal work periods, with an indication of rest intervals;
    • Mandatory weekly rest day and complementary weekly rest, if any
    • Applicable collective labor regulation, if any;
    • Scheme resulting from an agreement establishing work hours on an adaptable basis, if any.

When the schedule given is not common to all employees, the work schedule must contain the identification of employees whose regime is different from that established for the others. Whenever the work schedule includes shifts, the map must also indicate the number of shifts and those in which there are minors, as well as the rotation scale, if any. The composition of shifts, in accordance with the respective scale, if any, is recorded in a specific book or in computerized form and forms an integral part of the working schedule.


Increasing Working Hours Limit – Through the collective agreement the daily limit of 8 hours may be increased up to 4 hours and the duration of weekly work of 40 hours may be increased to reach 60 hours, not counting extra hours worked due to unforeseeable circumstances. The normal working period under such an agreement may not exceed 50 hours on average over a period of two months.


An agreement between the employer and employee may increase the normal period of daily work up to 2 hours and for weekly work to reach 50 hours, not counting extra hours worked due to unforeseeable circumstances. If an employee works less than 40 hours in a week, the reduced hours of work per day may not be more than 2 hours a day with the provision of a meal break. Such reduction of hours may be changed based on agreement.


For an employee who exclusively works on weekly rest days, the work hours of such an employee may be increased up to 4 hours a day.


The normal daily working hours may be increased up to 4 hours a day:

      • by agreement between employer and employee or by collective regulation agreement, wherein the normal working week will be a maximum of 4 working days.
      • by collective regulation agreement, to create a work schedule that contains a maximum of 3 consecutive days of work, followed by a minimum of 2 days of rest, wherein the normal weekly period remains at 40 hours, on average, in a 45-day reference period employer via a collective agreement.

An employee will be provided with a 15-minute tolerance (additional time) for any kind of operation or task that was started but not finished during the duration of normal daily working hours. Such tolerance is exceptional and the additional work done shall be paid if such duration is 4 hours or more at the end of the calendar year.


Working Hour Maps – The employer shall draw up a working hour map/ schedule taking into account the legal provisions and the applicable collective labor regulation instrument, which must include, the name of the employer, activity performed, address of workplace, start and end of the period of work and, if any, day of closure or suspension of operation of the workplace, hours of beginning and end of normal working periods, with the indication of rest intervals, mandatory weekly rest day and complimentary weekly rest, if any, etc.


Whenever the work schedule includes shifts, the map must also indicate the number of shifts and those in which there are fewer and the rotation scale, if any. According to the respective scale, the composition of the shifts is recorded in a specific book or computerized form and is an integral part of the work schedule.


The employer shall display the work schedule in the workplace to which it relates, in a very visible place. Labor Code, Law No. 7/2009, Sec 203-207, 209, 215.


Work Time Banking – An hour bank regime may be instituted by means of collective labor regulation. The normal working hours may be increased up to 4 hours a day and may reach 60 hours a week, with an increase of up to 200 hundred hours per year.


Such a work-hour banking regime may be applied as group time banking to all team, section, or economic unit employees. In such a regime, the normal period of work may be increased to 2 hours per day and may reach 50 hours per week, with the addition of a limit of 150 hours per year. Labor Code, Law No. 7/2009, Sec 208 & 210.


Part-time Work – Part-time work is considered to be work that corresponds to a normal weekly working period shorter than that practiced full-time in a comparable situation. If the normal working period is not the same in each week, the respective average in the applicable reference period is considered. Part-time work can only be provided on a few days per week, per month, or per year, and the number of working days must be established by agreement. 


A part-time employee may start working full-time, or vice versa, permanently or for a specified period, by means of a written agreement with the employer. The employee may terminate the agreement by means of a written communication sent to the employer up to the 7th day following the conclusion. Labor Code, Law No. 7/2009, Sec 157-159.


Shift Work – Different employee shifts must be organized whenever the period of operation exceeds the maximum limits of the normal working period. Shifts must, as far as possible, be organized according to the interests and preferences expressed by employees. The duration of work for each shift cannot exceed the maximum limits of normal working periods. The employee can only change their assigned shift after the weekly rest day.


In case of shift work of a continuous nature, work shall be organized in such a way that the employee shall be entitled to 1-day rest in every 7-day period. The employer must have a separate record of the employees included in each shift. Labor Code, Law No. 7/2009, Sec 220-221.


Recording Requirement – The employer must keep a record of working hours which must contain the indication of the start and end times of the working time, as well as of the interruptions or intervals that are not included in it, in order to determine the number of hours worked per employee, per day and per week.


The employer must have a register of overtime work in which, before the start of overtime work and immediately after its end, the hours at which each of the situations occurs are noted. The employer must keep a record of working hours for 5 years. Labor Code, Law No. 7/2009, Sec 202, 231.


Any work performed beyond the standard working hours (8 hours per day or 40 hours per week) shall be considered as overtime work. The maximum duration of overtime work an employee can perform is –

      • In the case of a micro or small business, 175 hours per year;
      • In the case of a medium or large business 150 hours per year;
      • In the case of a part-time employee, 80 hours per year or the number of hours corresponding to the proportion between the respective normal period of work and that of a full-time employee in a comparable situation, when higher;
      • On a normal working day, 2 hours;
      • On a weekly, mandatory, or complementary day of rest, or a public holiday, a number of hours equal to the normal daily work period i.e. 8 hours;
      • In a half-day of complementary rest, a number of hours equals half a normal daily work period.

The yearly limit may be increased up to 200 hours per year, by means of collective labor regulation. The yearly limit for part-time employees may be increased, by a written agreement up to 130 hours per year or, by collective labor regulation, up to 200 hours a year.


The employer must have a register for overtime work. If the registration of overtime work is violated, the employee will be provided, for each day in which he has worked outside working hours, the right to remuneration corresponding to 2 hours of overtime.


Overtime Exception – The notion of overtime does not include:

        • Work performed by an employee exempt from working hours on a normal working day
        • The amount provided to compensate for suspension of activity, regardless of its cause, of a duration, not exceeding 48 hours, followed by a day of rest or holiday, by agreement between the employer and the employee.
        • The 15 additional minutes of tolerance provided for an operation or task that was started but not finished during the duration of normal daily working hours.
        • Professional training carried out outside working hours that do not exceed 2 hours a day;
        • Work performed to compensate for periods of absence from work carried out at the initiative of the employee provided that both have the agreement of the employer.
        • The work was performed to compensate for vacation termination.

Compensatory Rest for Overtime Work – The employee who provides overtime work that prevents the enjoyment of daily rest is entitled to paid compensatory rest equivalent to the missing hours of rest, to be taken on one of the 3 following working days.


The employee who works on a mandatory weekly rest day is entitled to a paid compensatory rest day, to be taken on one of the following three working days. Compensatory rest is defined as an agreement between the employee and employer or, failing that, by the employer.


Pay for Overtime – An employee shall be entitled be overtime pay in the following manner – 


Overtime work of up to 100 hours per year is paid at the hourly rate with the following additions:

      • 25% for the first hour or fraction thereof and 37.5% per subsequent hour or fraction thereof, on a business day;
      • 50% for each hour or fraction thereof, on a mandatory or complementary weekly rest day, or on a public holiday.

Overtime work exceeding 100 hours per year is paid at the hourly rate with the following additions:

        • 50% for the first hour or fraction thereof and 75% for each hour or subsequent fraction, on a working day;
        • 100% for each hour or fraction thereof, on a mandatory or complementary weekly rest day, or on a public holiday.

Labor Code, Law No. 7/2009, Sec 226-230, 268.

Night Work

Night work is considered to be performed in a period that has a minimum duration of 7 hours and a maximum duration of 11 hours. Night work hours are between 10 pm and 7 am, including the hours between 12 am and 5 am.


The period of night work may be determined by a CBA, in compliance with the duration given above. In the absence of such determination, it shall be considered as the period between 10 pm on one day and 7 am on the following day.


Night employees are considered to be those who provide at least 3 hours of normal night work each day. The normal daily work period for night employees, must not exceed 8 hours per day, on a weekly average. The mandatory or complementary weekly rest days and public holidays are not counted in calculating the weekly average.


The night employee must not perform more than 8 hours of work in a 24-hour period in which they perform night work, in any of the following activities, which entail special risks or significant physical or mental tension.


Pay for Night Work

Employees who perform work at night will be entitled to a premium of 25% on the regular rate of pay.  The increase of 25 % may be replaced, through a collective labor regulation instrument, by:

      • Equivalent reduction in the normal working period;
      • Fixed increase of the basic pay, provided that it does not imply less favorable treatment for the employee.


The provisions of pay for Night Work shall not apply unless provided for in a collective labor agreement in scenarios where work is performed exclusively at night or in work related to tourism, hospitality, and healthcare. Also, work at night shall not be remunerated, when the payment established for the employee is done so exclusively for night work. Labor Code, Law No. 7/2009, Sec 223 – 224 and 266.


The employee shall be entitled to an unpaid rest break after 5 consecutive hours of work, of a duration of not less than 1 hour or more than 2 hours. If the working hours exceed 10 hours in a day the employee will be entitled to break after 6 hours of consecutive work.


The break is considered part of working where an employee is required to stay in the usual working space or close to it, in order to be able to perform normal work in case of need. Labor Code, Law No. 7/2009, Sec 213, 197.


Daily Rest – The employee shall be entitled to a rest period of at least 11 consecutive hours between 2 consecutive daily periods of work.


Weekly Rest – The employee shall be entitled to at least 1 day of rest per week. Sunday is the weekly rest day required by law, although in some jobs it is permissible to work on Sunday. The mandatory weekly rest and the period of 11 hours of daily rest must be taken in continuity.


The mandatory weekly rest day is not compulsorily required to be on Sunday. When the employee works in a company or sector of a company that is exempt from closing or suspending operations for one full day a week, or that is obliged to close or suspend operations on a day other than Sunday.


Cumulation of weekly rest and daily rest

Mandatory weekly rest and a period of 11 hours corresponding to the daily rest established must be taken continuously. The period of 11 hours of daily rest is considered fulfilled, in whole or in part, by the complementary weekly rest taken in continuity with the mandatory weekly rest.


The mandatory weekly rest and the period of 11 hours of daily rest must be taken in continuity.


The employee who works on a mandatory weekly rest day is entitled to a paid compensatory rest day, to be taken on one of the following three working days. Compensatory rest is defined as an agreement between the employee and employer or, failing that, by the employer.

Work On Rest Days

Compensatory Rest from Overtime on Daily Rest

An employee who provides overtime work during the period of daily rest shall be entitled to compensatory rest equivalent to the rest hours so lost and shall be taken on one of the following 3 working days.


The daily rest entitlement is not applicable to the employee in administrative or managerial positions when due to unavoidable circumstances employee has to provide work on a daily rest day, or a day of work is divided throughout the day for more than one activity, or when there is a requirement of continuity of production or service provided an equivalent period of compensatory rest will be provided. Labor Code, Law No. 7/2009, Sec 214.


Compensatory Rest for work on mandatory Weekly Rest – The employee who works on a mandatory weekly rest day is entitled to a paid compensatory rest day, to be taken on one of the following three working days. Compensatory rest is defined as an agreement between the employee and employer or, failing that, by the employer.


Pay for Overtime on Weekly Rest – Employees who perform overtime work on a mandatory or complementary weekly rest day of up to 100 hours per year are entitled to a premium of 50% for each hour or fraction thereof, at the hourly rate. Employees who perform work exceeding 100 hours per year on a mandatory or compensatory weekly rest day shall be entitled to a 100% premium for each hour or fraction thereof at the hourly rate.


In addition to premium pay, if the employee works overtime on Sunday, they are entitled to a day of paid compensatory rest on one of the following 3 days.  Labor Code, Law No. 7/2009, Sec 232-233, 268.

Public Holidays

Below are the 13 mandatory public holidays in Portugal –

      • New Years – January 1
      • Good Friday;
      • Easter Sunday;
      • Labor Day – May 1
      • Corpus Christi
      • Liberation Day – April 25
      • National Day – June 10
      • Assumption Day – August 15
      • Republic Day- October 5
      • All Saints Day – November 1
      • Independence Restoration Day – December 1
      • Immaculate Conception – December 8
      • Christmas Day – December 25

The Good Friday holiday can be observed on another day with local significance in the Easter period. Certain mandatory holidays that fall on a rest day may be observed on the Monday of the following week by means of specific gazette legislation.


In addition to the mandatory holidays, the Tuesday of Carnival and the municipal holiday of the locality can be observed as a holiday, by means of collective labor regulation or employment contract. Employers and employees can agree to observe the optional holidays on any other day.


Work on Public Holidays – The employee who performs regular work on a public holiday is not required to suspend operations on that day and is entitled to compensatory rest of the equivalent duration of the hours worked plus half the number of hours worked (If an employee works 8 hours on a public holiday, they will be entitled to 8 hours of compensatory rest + 4 hours of additional rest) or an increase of 50% of the corresponding remuneration, the choice being up to the employer.


Pay for Overtime on Public Holidays

In addition to compensatory rest, employees who perform overtime work on a public holiday of up to 100 hours per year are entitled to a premium of 50% for each hour or fraction thereof, at the hourly rate. Employees who perform work exceeding 100 hours per year on a public holiday shall be entitled to a 100% premium for each hour or fraction thereof at the hourly rate.


An employee who provides overtime work on a mandatory holiday is also entitled to a compensatory rest day in addition to remuneration, to be taken on one of the following 3 working days. Labor Code, Law No. 7/2009, Sec 234-236, 268 and 269.

Annual Leave

Duration of Annual Leave – The duration of the annual vacation period will be 22 working days which expires every January 1 (in relation to the previous calendar year), although by collective labor regulation, this can be extended. 


Entitlement of Annual Leave – In the first year, the employee has the right to 2 working days of vacation per month, with a maximum of 20 working days, to be enjoyed after 6 months of employment. If the calendar year ends before those 6 months have elapsed, the holidays can be enjoyed until June 30 of the next year. If the employment duration is less than 6 months, the employee will have the right to 2 working days of vacation for each month of employment. 


Timing of Annual Leave – Vacations are to be taken in the calendar year in which they expire. Vacations may be taken until April 30 of the following calendar year, in combination or not with annual vacation due from the previous year by agreement between employer and employee. The enjoyment of the vacation period may be taken in parts by agreement between employer and employee, provided that at least 10 consecutive working days are taken in one go. 


Waiving of Annual Leave – The employee may waive the vacation days exceeding 20 working days, or the corresponding proportion in the case of vacations in the year his annual leave is due of employment. In respect to the waiving of vacation days, the employee shall be paid for the days waived as well as the work the employee may perform on such waived vacation days. 


Annual Leave Pay – Vacation Pay corresponds to that which the employee would receive if the employee was working. Along with the vacation pay, the employee is entitled to vacation allowance, comprising the basic remuneration and other remuneration benefits that are compensated for the specific way of carrying out the work, corresponding to the minimum duration of the vacation. The holiday allowance must be paid before the start of the holiday period and proportionally in the case of in-part holiday enjoyment.


Scheduling of Annual Leave – In the absence of an agreement, the employer shall set the vacation in such a way that the vacation shall not start on a weekly rest day. In a small, medium, or large company, the employer can only schedule the vacation period between 1 May and 31 October, unless the collective labor regulation instrument or the opinion of the employees’ representatives allows for a different season. The employer shall prepare a vacation map, indicating the start and end of each employee’s vacation periods, until April 15th of each year and keep it posted in the workplace between this date and October 31st.


Accrual and Carryover of Annual Leave – Annual Leave must be taken during the calendar year in which they accrue, although it is possible to take them until April 30 of the following year, accumulating them, or not, to the vacation days accrued during that year. The enjoyment of half of the vacation period expired in the previous year shall be accumulated with that expired in the current year, by agreement between employer and employee. 


In a small, medium, or large company, the employer can only schedule the vacation period between 1 May and 31 October, unless the collective labor regulation instrument or the opinion of the employees’ representatives allows for a different season. The employer shall prepare a vacation map, indicating the start and end of each employee’s vacation periods, until April 15th of each year and keep it posted in the workplace between this date and October 31st. 


Annual leave is taken in the calendar year in which it expires. Annual leave may be taken until April 30 of the following calendar year, in combination or not with holidays due at the beginning of the vacation, by agreement between employer and employee.


Annual leave during Illness – If the employee is ill, the annual leave shall not start or be suspended provided that the employer is notified of it. In such case the vacation shall take place after the end of the illness period, such period will constitute the remaining leave duration. An employee shall be entitled to remuneration in the event of the total or partial impossibility of taking the vacation due to the employee’s illness for the vacation period not taken until April 30th of the following year.


Termination of Employment – In case of termination of the employment contract subject to prior notice, the employer may determine that the vacation takes place immediately before termination. Upon terminating the employment contract, the employee is entitled to receive vacation pay and the respective allowance: 

      • Corresponding to overdue and unpaid vacations; 
      • Proportional to the length of service provided in the year of termination. 

    For an employee whose contract is terminated before the end of 12 months of service, the total duration of vacation or the corresponding remuneration to which an employee is entitled may not be proportional to the annual vacation period taking into account the duration of the contract of employment.


    Holiday Closure – Whenever it is compatible with the nature of the activity, the employer may close the workplace or the establishment, totally or partially, for employees’ holidays:

              • Up to 15 consecutive days between May 1st and October 31st;
              • For a period exceeding 15 consecutive days when so established in a collective regulation instrument or upon a favorable opinion from the employees’ committee;
              • For a period of more than 15 consecutive days, between 1 May and 31 October, when the nature of the activity so requires.
              • For five consecutive working days during the Christmas school holiday season.
              • A day between a holiday that occurs on Tuesday or Thursday and a weekly rest day.

    Labor Code, Law No. 7/2009, Sec 237-247.

    Special Leave

    Types of Absence

    Justified Leave of AbsenceAbsences are considered justified when : 

        • the authorization given and approved by the employer;
        • assists a family member (household) a spouse or a relative;
        • there are absences due to illness, and the employee will be entitled to  social security benefits ;
        • they are given for accidents at work, with the right to insurance or subsidy;
        • Absence for going to the dentist or for going to the doctor are justified if the employer delivers the supporting document, and the absence is remunerated or not according to the criteria of the employer, so the employer is the one who decides in this case whether the absence is paid or not. do not.

    The communication of absence, when foreseeable, must be made with the employer, accompanied by an indication of the justifying reason, at least 5 days in advance. 


    In all cases, justification must be accompanied by an official document, be it a medical certificate, a certificate of temporary incapacity, a declaration of the presence, or a marriage and/or death certificate. 


    Unjustified Leave of Absence – When the employee is absent during the normal period of work without justification or authorization, this absence is considered an unjustified absence. Unjustified absence determines the loss of remuneration corresponding to the period of absence, which is not counted in the worker’s seniority. Labor Code, Law No. 7/2009, Sec 253, 254, 255 & 256.


    Sick Leave

    Duration of Sick Leave: An employee is entitled to a total of 30 days of justified absence over a 12-month period.


    Eligibility of Sick Leave: The employee is entitled to sick leave in Portugal if they have fulfilled: 

        • Have contributed to social security for a minimum period of 6 months (which may or may not be consecutive);
        • Be up to date with social security contribution payments at the end of the 3rd month before the start of the disability;
        • Have 12 days of recording of wages for the work actually performed, in the 4 months immediately preceding the month preceding the onset of disability. 

      Sick Leave Pay: The Employer is not required to pay sickness cash benefits to sick employees. Benefits are paid by the Social Security Institute from the fourth day of illness. The amount of sickness benefits depends on the length and nature of the illness. The minimum sickness benefit is either 30% of the social support indexing reference (Social Support index, IAS) or the average daily earnings used to calculate the cash sickness benefit, whichever is less. 

      Medical Certificate – Employees are not required to go to the doctor to ask for short-term sick leave (up to 3 days) as a self-declaration is enough to justify their absence. 

      Electronic Sick Leave Certificate: The Health Service Provider electronically provides all the details to Social Security. The information regarding the illness situation is sent electronically by the health services to the Social Security services, the beneficiary (employee) does not have to present any document. Based on the data received, the Social Security services verify the conditions for granting the subsidy and proceed with its payment, if applicable. 

      Proof of Illness – The proof of the employee’s illness shall be provided by a statement from a hospital, health center, digital service of the National Health Service, or digital service of the regional health services of the autonomous regions, or by a medical certificate. The declaration of the digital services of the National Health Service, or the digital service of the regional health services of the autonomous regions, is made through a self-declaration of illness, under oath, which can only be issued when the employee’s illness does not exceed 3 consecutive days, up to a limit of twice a year. 


      Parental Leave

      Parental leave shall consist of the following kinds of justified absence –

          • Initial parental leave;
          • Exclusive initial parental leave from the mother;
          • Initial parental leave to be taken by the father due to the mother’s impossibility;
          • Exclusive parental leave from the father.

      Initial Parental Leave – The working mother and father shall be entitled, for the birth of a child, to an initial parental leave of 120 or 150 consecutive days. The leave can be shared between both parents after childbirth. The leave can be taken simultaneously by parents between 120 and 150 days.


      The leave can be increased by 30 days, in the case of each parent enjoying, exclusively, a period of 30 consecutive days, or two periods of 15 consecutive days. In the case of multiple births, the period of leave can be increased by 30 days for each child. If the child is hospitalized immediately after the leave due to the need for special medical care for the child, the leave is increased for the hospitalization period, up to the maximum limit of 30 days.


      If the parental leave is not shared by the mother and father, the parent who takes the leave informs the respective employer, up to 7 days after delivery, of the duration of the leave and the beginning of the respective period, attaching a statement from the other parent stating that he/she shall not take the initial parental leave. An employee may be entitled to unpaid to accompany a pregnant woman who travels to a hospital unit located off the island residence for delivery when follow-up is essential.


      In the event of initial parental leave over 120 days, after enjoying those first 120 days, both parents can choose to cumulate the remaining period of leave daily with part-time work, corresponding to half the normal period of daily working time. 


      Exclusive Parental Leave for Mother – A mother can take up to 30 days of initial parental leave before delivery. The mother must have 42 consecutive days of leave after childbirth. A medical certificate is required to be provided 10 days in advance. Pregnant employees have the right to be released from work for prenatal consultations, for the time and number of times necessary. The employee is entitled to three exemptions from work for consultations within the scope of each cycle of medically assisted fertility treatment. 


      Initial parental leave to be taken by one parent if the other is unable – The father or mother is entitled to unpaid leave, in the following cases:

          • Physical or mental incapacity of the parent who is taking the leave, as long as it remains;
          • Death of the parent taking the leave.
          • In the event of death or physical issue for the mother’s mental health, the initial parental leave to be taken by the father has a minimum duration of 30 days. In the event of death or physical or mental incapacity of a non-working mother within 120 days after delivery, the father is entitled to leave of 30 days.

      Exclusive Parental Leave for Father – An employee who is a father shall be entitled to exclusive parental leave for 28 consecutive days and such leave can be taken in part of at least 7 days, in the 42 days following the birth of the child. The father shall also be entitled to 7 additional days of leave, consecutive or interpolated, simultaneously with the mother’s initial leave.  In case the child has to be hospitalized right after birth, the father can apply for leave suspension during that time.


      Pay – If the employee chooses to take the initial parental leave of 120 days, the employee will receive 100% of the remuneration, if the employee chooses the 150 days, they will only receive 80% from the Ministry of Social Security. Exclusive Parental leave for the mother and/ or father stated above shall be paid for at 100% by the Ministry of Social Security. Labor Code, Law No. 7/2009, Sec 40-43, 46-46A, 252A, 253.


      Breastfeeding Break – An employee is allowed to take paid breastfeeding breaks which can be taken in two different periods with a maximum duration of 1 hour each for a child up to the age of 1 year. In the case of multiple births, the duration is increased by an additional 30 minutes for each twin. If the employee works part-time, the daily allowance for breastfeeding is reduced in proportion to the respective normal working period, and cannot be less than 30 minutes. Labor Code, Law No. 7/2009, Sec 47.


      Leave in a situation of clinical risk during pregnancy – A pregnant employee who is in a situation of clinical risk for herself or for her unborn child, and the employer does not provide her with work compatible with her state and professional category, shall be entitled to unpaid leave, for the period of time as stated by medical prescription.


      Leave to travel to a hospital unit located outside the island of residence for delivery – A pregnant employee who travels to a hospital unit located outside their island of residence for delivery, due to the unavailability of technical and human resources on the island of residence, is entitled to leave for the period of time that is stated in a medical prescription. The spouse employee who lives in a partnership or in the common economy, a relative or a relative in the straight line or in the 2nd degree of the collateral line can also take appropriate time off for such purpose. Labor Code, Law No. 7/2009, Sec 37-37A and 252A.


      Termination of Pregnancy Leave

      In case of termination of pregnancy, an employee shall be entitled to justified absence between 14 and 30 days. For the purpose of the leave, the employee shall inform the employer and present, as soon as possible, a medical certificate with an indication of the period of leave. The leave allowance is paid for by the Ministry of Social Security.  Labor Code, Law No. 7/2009, Sec 38


      Supplementary Parental Leave

      An employee (father and mother) are entitled to justified complimentary absence, for assistance to their birth child or adopted child of not more than 6 years, in any of the following modes:

          • Extended parental leave, for 3 months;
          • Part-time work for 12 months, with a normal working period equal to half the full time;
          • Interim periods of extended parental leave and part-time work where the total duration of absence and reduced working time is equal to normal three-month periods of work.

      The father and mother may be entitled to the leave in a consecutive manner or in part in 3 separate periods, whereby one parent can enjoy the leave at one time. If both parents intend to simultaneously take the leave and are at the service of the same employer, the employer may postpone the leave of one of the parents, provided that the respective grounds are provided in writing. Parental leave for the mother and/ or father shall be paid for at 100% by the Ministry of Social Security. Labor Code, Law No. 7/2009, Sec 51.


      Adoption Leave

      In the case of the adoption of a child under the age of 15, employees are entitled to the justified absence of 120 or 150 consecutive days, the enjoyment of which they can share after the adoption of a child. In the case of multiple adoptions, the period of leave can be extended by 30 days for each adoption in addition to the first. The leave can be shared between both parents after adoption.


      In case of the adoption of a minor under the age of 15, the male employee who is adopting shall be entitled to the exclusive parental leave of the father.  The applicant for adoption can use up to 30 days of initial parental leave during the transition and follow-up period. In case of multiple adoptions, the period of adoption leave shall be increased by 30 days (120 + 30 days) or increased by 2 days for exclusive leave for the father’s adopting a child.


      In the event of the incapacity or death of the applicant for adoption during the leave, the surviving spouse, who is not a candidate for adoption and with whom the adopter lives in the communion of table and housing, is entitled to leave corresponding to the period not taken or to a minimum of 14 days.


      The employee must inform the employer, 10 days in advance, whether the adoption leave is shared by the two members of the couple or not; it must also communicate the dates foreseen for the beginning and the end of the leave.


      Pay -Adoption leave is paid for by the Ministry of Social Security. Labor Code, Law No. 7/2009, Sec 44.


      Leave to take care of a child with chronic illness, disease, cancer, or disabilities

      Parents are entitled to justified absence for a period of up to 6 months, extendable up to 4 years, to assist children with disabilities, chronic illness, or cancer. If the child with a disability, chronic illness, or cancer disease is 12 years of age or older, the need for assistance is confirmed by a medical certificate. The leave may be extended up to a maximum limit of 6 years, in situations of need to extend assistance, confirmed by a medical certificate.


      Parents of minors with disabilities or chronic illness, aged no more than 1 year, are entitled to a reduction of 5 hours from the normal weekly working period, or other special working conditions, to assist the child.


      Employees with a child aged up to 3 years or, regardless of age, with a disability, chronic illness, or oncological disease who live with them in a shared table and room, shall be entitled to carry out the activity in a teleworking regime when this is compatible with the activity performed and the employer has the resources and means for telework.


      Pay – Leave is paid for by the Ministry of Social Security. Labor Code, Law No. 7/2009, Sec 53, 54.


      Leave for Sick Child

      An employee shall be entitled to justified absence from work to provide unavoidable and essential assistance, to a child under the age of 12 or, regardless of age, to a child with a disability or chronic illness, up to 30 days a year or throughout the period of eventual hospitalization.


      The employee may be absent from work for up to 15 days a year to provide unavoidable and essential assistance in the event of illness or accident to a child aged 12 or over.


      Hospitalization of Child – In case of hospitalization of the child after birth due to special medical care requirements, the leave duration of 120 days is increased by a maximum limit of 30 days. The duration of leave shall also be increased by 30 days for hospitalization if the birth of the child takes place up to and including in the 33rd week.


      In order for the absence to be justified, the employer may require the employee to:

          • Proof of the unavoidable and essential nature of the assistance;
          • A declaration that the other parent has a professional activity and is not absent for the same reason or is unable to provide assistance;
          • In case of hospitalization, a supporting statement is issued by the hospital establishment.

      Labor Code, Law No. 7/2009, Sec 49.


      Child Care Leave

      After the supplementary leave is exhausted, parents are entitled to consecutive or in parts justified absence for childcare, up to a limit of 2 years. In the case of a third child or more, the leave is limited to 3 years. Leave is paid for by the Ministry of Social Security. Labor Code, Law No. 7/2009, Sec 52.


      Leave for Assisting Grandchild

      When one of the parents is under 16 years old, working grandparents living with the baby are entitled to a period of leave of up to 30 consecutive days after the birth. This leave may be shared between the grandparents. The employee shall also be on leave, in substitution of the parents, to provide unavoidable and essential assistance, in the event of illness or accident, to a minor grandchild or, regardless of age, with a disability or chronic illness. Labor Code, Law No. 7/2009, Sec  50.


      Marriage Leave

      Employees are entitled to 15 consecutive days of justified absence for marriage. For the absence to be justified, an employee shall be required to provide a declaration of presence or a marriage certificate. Labor Code, Law No. 7/2009, Sec 249.


      Education Leave

      An employee who is a student may take a justified absence due to the provision of an assessment test –

              • On the day of the test and the immediately preceding it
              • In the case of tests on consecutive days or more than one test on the same day, the days immediately preceding are as many as the tests to be given.

      The immediately preceding days include weekly rest days and holidays. Absences cannot exceed 4 days per subject in each academic year. The right to leave can only be exercised in two academic years concerning each subject.


      Employee shall be entitled to justified leave for traveling to a teaching establishment responsible for the education of a minor due to the educational situation of the minor, for the strictly necessary time, up to four hours per quarter, for each travel. Labor Code, Law No. 7/2009, Sec 91.


      Bereavement Leave

      Employees shall be entitled to 20 consecutive days of justified absence following the death of their child. In the event of the death of a spouse or parent, the duration of justified absence shall be 5 consecutive days. Employees shall also be entitled to 2 consecutive days of leave for the death of a second or third-degree relative (e.g. grandparents, grandchildren) as well as second-degree collateral relatives (e.g. brother, brother-in-law, and adopted child).


      Employees shall be entitled to up to 20 consecutive days of leave due to the death of a spouse not separated from persons and property, son, or stepson. Employees shall also be entitled to up to 5 consecutive days of leave for the death of another blood relative or of a relative by affinity in the first degree.


      Gestational Death – Employees shall be entitled to 3 consecutive days of absence for mourning for the loss of a child still in the gestation phase. Both parents will be entitled to the bereavement days, without any loss of rights or pay cut. 


      The father or mother is entitled to leave for the duration of initial parental leave or the remaining period of leave, in case of physical or psychological incapacity of the parent who is taking the leave, as long as it lasts or due to the death of the parent who is on leave. In the event of the mother’s death or physical or psychological incapacity, the initial parental leave to be taken by the father has a minimum duration of 30 days. In the event of the death or physical or psychological incapacity of a non-working mother within 120 days following the birth, the father is entitled to leave for the remaining duration of the leave.


      Employees shall also be entitled to receive psychological support in a National Health System establishment after the passing of their children, stepchildren, children-in-law, godchildren (on civil custody relationships), and close family members, namely spouses and parents. This psychological support should be requested by the employee to their doctor, and respective sessions should initiate within 5 days after the death. Labor Code, Law No. 7/2009, Sec 251 (Amended on Jan 4, 2022, by Law no. 1/2022).


      Family Care Leave

      An employee shall be entitled to a justified absence of up to 15 days a year to provide unavoidable and essential assistance, in the event of illness or accident, to a spouse or partner, or relative living with the employee.


      A duration of 15 days per year is added, in the case of providing urgent and essential assistance to a person with a disability or chronic illness, who is a spouse or partner of the employee. To justify the absence, the employer may require the employee to:

            • Provide proof of the unavoidable and essential nature of the assistance;
            • Give a declaration & statement that the other members of the household, if they carry out a professional activity, were not absent for the same reason or are unable to provide assistance.

      Labor Code, Law No. 7/2009, Sec 252.


      Caregiver Leave

      An informal caregiver shall be entitled to an unpaid annual leave of 5 working days, which must be taken consecutively. The care worker must inform the employer, in writing, 10 working days in advance of its start, indicating the days on which he intends to take the leave. Care workers have the right to work part-time, consecutively or interpolated, for a maximum period of four years.


      The right to family care leave for a duration of up to 15 days per year shall also extend to the caregiver worker who is recognized as a non-main informal caregiver, in case of illness or accident of the person cared for. The period of absence will increase by 15 days per year, in the case of urgent and indispensable assistance to a person with a disability or chronic illness, who is a spouse or lives in a de facto union with the employee. Article 101-B of Decent Work Agenda, Law No. 13/2023.


      Trade Union Leave

      The absence of an employee due to the performance of functions in the collective representation structure of the employees of which he is a member, which exceeds the hours credit, is considered justified and counts as working time, but is not paid for by the employer.


      The absence of a trade union delegate motivated by the practice of necessary and unavoidable acts in the exercise of the corresponding functions is considered justified and counted as working time, but is not paid for by the employer. 


      The public employee or the collective representation structure to which he belongs communicates to the employer, in writing, the dates and the number of days in which he needs to be absent to carry out his duties, one day in advance or, in case of unpredictability, within 48 hours after the first day of absence. If such communication is not done in advance the absence is considered unjustified. Labor Code, Law No. 7/2009, Sec 409.

      Disclaimer: The material provided above is for informational purposes only and is subject to change. We endeavor to keep all material up-to-date and correct but make no representations about the information's completeness, accuracy, or reliability. Laws vary by jurisdiction and are subject to change and interpretation based on individual factors that may differ between organizations. The material is not meant to constitute legal advice and we suggest you seek the advice of legal counsel in connection with any of the information presented.