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Last updated on: May 24th, 2024

Labor Requirements

The Labour Law in Lithuania is regulated mainly by the Labor Code of the Republic of Lithuania. The Regulations govern the terms and conditions of employment such as working hours, holidays and rest periods, wages, overtime, leaves, and other employment relationships.

Hours & Pay Regulations

Normal Working Hours

The normal working hours of an employee shall be 40 hours per week unless work the law imposes a reduced working time rate on the employee or the parties do not agree on all working time.


The average working time, including overtime, excluding work under an agreement on additional work, cannot exceed 48 hours in each 7 days period.


Working time, including overtime and working on a supplementary basis, may not exceed 12 hours in any one working day (shift), excluding lunch, and 60 hours in each 7-day period.


Where an employee works under the cumulative working time regime, the maximum working time within each period of 7 consecutive days may not exceed 52 hours.


Working Time Regime – If the norms of labor law or the employment contract do not stipulate otherwise, the working time regime for one or more employees (group of employees) or for all employees in the workplace shall be determined by the employer by determining one of the following types of working time regime – 

      • unchanging/fixed duration of the working day (shift) and number of working days per week;
      • cumulative work time accounting, when the working time rate of the entire accounting period is fulfilled during the accounting period;
      • flexible work schedule, when the employee must be at the workplace during fixed hours of the working day (shift), and can work other hours of that day (shift) before or after these hours;
      • the time regime of a split working day, when on the same day (shift) work is carried out with a break for rest and a meal, the duration of which is longer than the maximum duration of a break for a rest and a meal;
      • individual working time regime.

    Shift Scheduling – Work (shift) schedules must be made so as not to violate the maximum time of 52 hours in each 7-day period. Persons raising a child up to three years of age, and persons raising a child up to seven years of age, if such an opportunity exists, have the right to choose a shift within two working days of their notification.


    The employer must draw up work (shift) schedules in such a way as to distribute the employee’s working time as evenly as possible during the accounting period. It is prohibited to appoint an employee to work two consecutive shifts. The accounting period must not exceed 3 consecutive months. 


    If, at the end of the accounting period, the employee has not worked the general working time rate for the entire accounting period due to the working time regime established for the employee, he shall be paid half of the salary due for the unpaid working time rate.


    If, at the end of the accounting period, the employee has worked more hours than the total working time rate for the entire accounting period, he is paid for the exceeded working time rate as overtime work or, at the request of the employee, the exceeded working time, multiplied by the number 1.5, can be added to annual leave time.


    Standby Work – When the employee must be at the place specified by the employer, ready to perform his functions if necessary (passive standby), the duration of the working day (shift) may be up to twenty-four hours, but may not exceed the employee’s working time rate during the maximum accounting period of two months. In this case, the employee must be given the opportunity to rest and eat at the workplace.


    During both active and passive duty, the employee must be given the opportunity to eat and rest. The working time regime and accounting of these employees are subject to the cumulative working time accounting rules. Labor Code, 2016 (as amended), arts. 113-116, 118


    Recording Requirement – The employer must keep records of the working time of employees, except for employees who work in the working time regime of an unchanging working day (shift) duration and an unchanging number of working days per week. The employer must record in the working time records the employee’s actual work:

        • Overtime;
        • Working time during the holidays;
        • Working time on a rest day, if it is not set according to the schedule;
        • Working hours at night.
        • Working hours according to the agreement on additional work.

    These records must be kept for two years. Work time records are managed in employer-approved form time records, which can be filled out and stored electronically. Labor Code, 2016 (as amended), arts. 120. 


    Overtime cannot exceed 8 hours in 7 consecutive calendar days unless an employee gives written consent to work up to 12 overtime hours per week. If an employee gives written consent to work up to 12 overtime hours per week, in such cases the total hours worked cannot exceed 48 per week averaged over a reference period of 3 months. 


    The maximum limit of overtime per year is 180 hours. Longer overtime may be agreed upon in the collective agreement.


    Pay – Overtime must be paid at a rate of at least 1.5 times the employee’s regular hourly pay. At the employee’s request, time spent on overtime, multiplied by the appropriate amount (1.5 times), may be added to annual vacation time.


    The employer can order overtime work only with the consent of the employee, except for such exceptional cases when:

      • unforeseen works necessary for the society are carried out or the aim is to prevent disasters, dangers, accidents or natural disasters or to liquidate their urgently eliminated consequences;
      • it is necessary to complete the work or eliminate a malfunction that would cause a large number of employees to stop work or cause materials, products or equipment to fail;
      • it is stipulated in the collective agreement.

    Labor Code, 2016 (as amended), art. 119, Art 144 of Labor Code

    Night Work

    Nighttime means the time between the 10pm and 6am. A night employee shall be one who:

        • Work at night for at least 3 hours per day (shift); or
        • They work nighttime for at least a quarter of their annual working time.

    The average working time of a night employee shall not exceed 8 hours per working day (shift) over an accounting period of one month.


    For employees whose work involves special hazards or whose physical or mental work the workload is heavy, the daily working time (shift) shall not exceed 8 working hours in a 24 hours period.


    Pay for Night Work – Employee shall be entitled to at least 1.5 times the regular salary for night work.


    Pay for Overtime at Night – For overtime work during night which is not determined according to the work (shift) schedule. employee shall be entitled to no less than double the employee’s salary. Art 117 & 144 of Labor Code.


    Employees must be given a lunch break no later than 5 hours, for rest and dining. The duration of this break may not be less than 30 minutes and not more than 2 hours unless the parties agree on a split working day regime.


    The duration of breaks, their beginning, end and other conditions are determined by labor law norms and working day (shift) schedules. Employees performing work during which production conditions do not allow them to take a break to rest and eat must be given the opportunity to eat during working hours.


    Daily Rest – The duration of daily uninterrupted rest between working days (shifts) cannot be shorter than 11 consecutive hours


    If the duration of an employee’s working day (shift) is more than 12 hours, but not more than 24 hours, the time of uninterrupted rest between working days (shifts) cannot be less than 24 hours


    If the duty lasts 24 hours, the rest time lasts at least 24 hours. Labor Code, 2016 (as amended), art. 122.


    Weekly Rest – A weekly rest period of at least 35 consecutive hours in each 7 consecutive day period. 


    Rest day is a day that is not worked according to the working time regime. The general rest day is Sunday. It is possible to assign a rest day to work only with the employee’s consent, except in cases where work is carried out according to the cumulative work time record or in the cases specified in the collective agreement. Labor Code, 2016 (as amended), art. 122 & 144.

    Work On Rest Days

    Pay for Work on Rest Day – Employees shall be entitled to 1.5 times premium pay on regular salary for work performed on a rest day. At the employee’s request, time spent on rest day, multiplied by the appropriate amount (1.5 times), may be added to annual vacation time.


    Overtime Work on Rest Day – Overtime work on a day of rest that is not determined by a schedule of work (shift) will be paid at least 2 times the salary of the employee. At the employee’s request, time spent on overtime on rest days, multiplied by the appropriate amount (2 times), may be added to annual vacation time. Labor Code, 2016 (as amended), art. 122 & 144.

    Public Holidays

    The following paid public holidays are observed in Lithuania:

    • Jan. 1: New Year’s Day
    • Feb. 16: Day of Reestablishment of the State of Lithuania
    • March 11: Day of Reestablishment of Lithuania’s Independence
    • Easter Sunday and Easter Monday
    • May 1: International Labor Day
    • First Sunday in May: Mother’s Day
    • First Sunday in June: Father’s Day
    • June 24: Rasos and St. John’s Day
    • July 6: Day of the Statehood (Coronation of King Mindaugas) and National Anthem Day
    • Aug. 15: Assumption Day
    • Nov. 1: All Saints’ Day
    • Nov 2: Day of Remembrance of the Dead
    • Dec. 24: Christmas Eve
    • Dec. 25 and 26: Christmas

    Holidays are observed on their calendar date. If the holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, it will not be moved to a weekday. 


    On public holidays, work is carried out only with the consent of the employee, except in cases where work is carried out according to the cumulative work time record or in the cases specified in the collective agreement.


    Pay for Work on Public Holiday – Employee shall be entitled to no less than 2 times the regular salary for work on a holiday. At the employee’s request, time spent on public holidays, multiplied by the appropriate amount (2 times), may be added to annual vacation time.


    Overtime Work on Public Holidays – For overtime work on a public holiday, which is not determined according to the work (shift) employee shall be entitled to a premium of no less than two and a half times the employee’s salary. At the employee’s request, time spent on overtime on public holiday, multiplied by the appropriate amount (2.5 times), may be added to annual vacation time. Art 123, 144 of Labor Code.

    Annual Leave

    Duration of Annual Leave – Employee shall be entitled to 20 working days (if working 5 working days a week) or at least 24 working days (if working 6 days a week)  granted after six months of uninterrupted work with the same employer. Annual Leave shall be calculated on weekdays.


    Timing of Annual Leave – Annual leave shall be granted at least once per working year. The right to use all or a part of the annual leave (or to receive monetary compensation for it in the case established by this Code) is lost after 3 years from the end of the calendar year in which the right to the full annual leave was acquired, except in cases where the employee was actually unable to use it .


    It is prohibited to replace annual leave with monetary compensation, except for the termination of the employment relationship, when compensation is paid to the employee for unused annual leave of the full duration or part of it. 


    Minimum Duration of Annual Leave – Annual leave must be granted at least once per working year. At least one part of the annual leave cannot be shorter than 10 working days or at least 12 working days (if the work is six working days per week), and if the number of working days per week is less or different, the leave part cannot be shorter than two weeks. For the first year of work, all annual leave is usually granted after working at least half of the number of working days in the working year. 


    After six months of continuous work, annual leave is granted at the employee’s request:

        • for pregnant employees before or after pregnancy and maternity leave;
        • for employees during pregnancy and maternity leave of the mother of their child, before or after paternity leave;
        • during summer holidays at the workplace;

    For the second and subsequent years of work, annual leave is granted at any time of the working year, according to the order of granting annual leave at the workplace. Such a queue is established in a collective agreement or an agreement between the employer and the labor council, or in accordance with the procedure provided for in other labor law norms from June 1 to May 31 of the following year, if they do not stipulate otherwise.


    Additional Annual Leave – Employees whose work involves greater nervous, emotional, mental stress and professional risk, as well as whose working conditions are specific, are granted up to 41 working days (if working five days a week) or up to 50 working days (if working six days per week), or up to 8 weeks (if the number of working days per week is less or different) extended vacation. The Government of the Republic of Lithuania approves the list of categories of employees entitled to extended leave and determines the specific duration of extended leave for each category of employees.


    Carry Forward of Annual Leave – If the employee is unable to take annual leave, the commencement of annual leave shall be postponed, but no longer than the end of the annual leave granted. 


    If the employee cannot use the annual leave according to its intended purpose, because he is temporarily unemployed or uses the right to the intended leave (maternity, paternity, child care leave etc) or unpaid leave, the annual leave already granted is carried over for that period.


    If these circumstances arose during the use of annual leave, the employee’s unused annual leave is granted to him at another time agreed upon by the parties, but in the same working year. At the employee’s request, part of the extended annual leave can be transferred and added to the annual leave of the next working year.


    Annual Leave Coinciding with Public Holiday – Public holidays falling within a period of annual leave are not counted as part of annual leave.


    Annual Leave coinciding with Sick Leave – Where a worker is unable to take annual leave in accordance with its intended purpose because he is temporarily incapacitated for work , the annual leave already granted is to be carried over for that period. Where such illness circumstancesarose before the beginning of the annual leave, the beginning of the annual leave shall be postponed, but not later than the end of the annual leave granted. If these circumstances arise during the exercise of annual leave, the employee’s unused annual leave shall be granted to him at another time agreed by the parties but during the same working year. At the request of the employee, part of the extended annual leave may be carried over and added to the annual leave of the following working year. 


    Any transfer or postponement shall be done upon agreement of the employee with the administration.

    Annual Leave Pay – Annual leave is paid no later than the last working day before the start of the annual vacation. Leave for the part of the vacation exceeding the duration of 20 working days (if working five working days per week) or 24 working days (if working six working days per week) or four weeks (if the number of working days per week is less or different), the employee is paid during the vacation according to the salary payment procedure and terms.


    At the individual request of the employee, after annual leave is granted, the leave is paid according to the usual salary payment procedure.


    If the employer delayed payment for annual leave, the period for which payment was delayed is added to other annual leave, if the employee submitted the request within the first three working days after the annual leave. Art 144, 128-130, 138 of Labor Code.

    Special Leave

    Maternity Leave

    Duration of Maternity Leave-  Pregnancy and maternity leave is 126 calendar days of leave for an expectant mother. Employees shall be granted 70 days’ maternity leave calendar days before delivery and 56 calendar days after delivery(70 in the case of a complicated birth or when two or more children are born in calendar days). The leaves cannot be taken parts.

    If the employee does not take pregnancy and maternity leave, the employer must grant part of the fourteen-day leave immediately after childbirth, regardless of the employee’s request.

    Eligibility Criteria- The maternity allowance applies if the pregnant woman is covered by maternity social insurance and has at least 12 months of maternity social insurance experience in the last 24 months before the first day of pregnancy and maternity leave.

    Pay Benefit– Maternity allowance is paid during pregnancy and maternity leave fully by Social Security, which amounts to 77.58% of salary.

    Notice Requirement: Maternity pay for pregnancy and maternity leave is not paid automatically. The employee must apply for maternity pay no later than 12 months after the end of pregnancy and maternity leave and must prepare the necessary documents and submit a request to Sodra.

        • Discuss with the attending physician when to can take pregnancy and maternity leave and determine the exact start date of the leave.
        • The doctor will create an electronic pregnancy and maternity leave certificate which can be issued no earlier than 30 full weeks of pregnancy.
        • When the electronic pregnancy and maternity leave certificate is issued, the employer should receive the notification about it automatically, but the employee shall inform their employer about everything, especially if they decide not to take this leave or leave it later. In any case, they will have to write a request for maternity leave.
        • The employer will prepare the necessary documents for the leave and submit a notification to Sodra regarding the award of the benefit.
        • If an employee wants to receive maternity allowance for pregnancy and maternity leave, they must submit an application for maternity allowance and an application of NPD (non-taxable amount of income) to the territorial department of Sodra.

    Flexibility in work– Pregnant women have the flexibility to choose part-time work during pregnancy and can return to full-time employment with a two-week notice. They are entitled to work remotely, and if the employer cannot prove excessive costs, they must accommodate remote work for at least one-fifth of total working time. This option can be enforced through the Labor Dispute Commission. Additionally, new mothers, breastfeeding mothers, and those raising young or disabled children may also be allowed to work remotely based on employer discretion.

    Overtime, night shifts, work on days off, holidays, and business trips are only permissible with the explicit consent of the employee. In instances where employees decline to work at night or can provide a certificate demonstrating that such work would jeopardize their safety and health, they are reassigned to daytime duties. 

    If a pregnant woman cannot be transferred to full-time work, they are granted leave until the commencement of pregnancy and maternity leave. For breastfeeding women or those who have recently given birth, childcare leave is provided until the child reaches one year of age. Throughout the leave period until the initiation of pregnancy and maternity leave, the employee continues to receive their monthly salary.

    Adoption – An employee who adopts a newborn or is appointed its guardian is granted leave for the time from the date of adoption or guardianship until the baby is 70 days old.

    Breastfeeding Leave – Breastfeeding employees, are given breaks of at least 30 minutes to breastfeed the baby at least every 3 hours. At the request of the employee, the breaks for breastfeeding the baby can be combined or added to the break for rest and food or moved to the end of the working day, shortening the working day accordingly. Breastfeeding breaks are paid according to the employee’s salary. Labor Code, 2016 (as amended), arts. 131-132.


    Adoption Leave

    Parental leave must be granted within 1 month of the adoption of the court decision or the start of enforcement of the decision. Leave is not granted in the event that a spouse’s child is adopted or when the adoptive parent has already been granted leave to care for the same child.

    Child care allowance can be paid to one of the adoptive parents covered by maternity social insurance or qualifying grandparents looking after the child, if the person on parental leave has accumulated at least 12 months of maternity social insurance experience in the last 24 months before the first day of parental leave. The only exception is that the childcare benefit is paid for 18 or 24 months, regardless of the age of the adopted child, ie until the child turns 18. Childcare leave in case of child adoption must be granted within three months from the entry into force of the court decision on adoption or the start of enforcement of the decision. Leave is not granted when a spouse’s child is adopted or when the mother (adoptive parent) has already been granted leave to care for the same child. Labor Code, 2016 (as amended), arts. 133.

    Paternity Leave

    Duration of Leave – Male employees are eligible for 30 calendar days of continuous paid paternity leave until their child reaches one year old. These days can be split into a maximum of two parts as per the employee’s preference.


    Pay Benefits – The employee is entitled to receive a benefit equal to 77.58% of their regular salary.


    The decision regarding the approval of the paternity allowance must be made within 10 working days from the date of receiving the application along with all the required documents at the Sodra territorial department. The payment will be transferred to the employee’s specified personal account no later than 5 working days after the conclusion of the parental leave.


    Notice Requirement- An employee must contact their employer about the paternity leave and must apply for the Social Security (Sodra.)  Labor Code, 2016 (as amended), arts. 137.


    Sick Leave

    For the first two days of absence, the sickness allowance is paid by the employer. The allowance may not be smaller than 80 percent or larger than 100 percent of the employee’s average monthly salary. From the third to the seventh day of absence, the sickness allowance is paid from the State Social Insurance Fund at 40 percent of the average monthly salary and from the eighth day at 80 percent until the employee is able to work or is declared disabled.


    Electronic certificates due to illness or accident are issued from the first day of loss of working capacity until the day of regaining working capacity or until the Agency for the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities under the Ministry of Social Security and Labor of the Republic of Lithuania determines the level of participation or the need for professional rehabilitation. If the Agency for the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities determines that a person needs professional rehabilitation, the electronic certificate is issued until the first day of participation in the professional rehabilitation program under the procedure and terms specified in Clause 94 of these Rules.


    In the event that the third calendar day coincides with days off or holidays, the electronic certificate may be issued until the following working day.


    Child Care Leave

    According to the choice of the family, except the part of the leave provided to each of the parents, adoptive parents, guardians until the age of 18 or 24 months of the child, the mother (step-in-law), father (adoptive), grandmother, grandfather or other relatives who are raising the child, as well as the employee appointed as the child’s guardian, are granted leave for the child to supervise until the child is three years old. This leave can be taken all at once, in parts, or alternately.

    Each of the parents (adoptive parents, guardians), when taking leave to look after the child, at any time until the child turns eighteen or twenty-four months old, has the right to use part of the two-month-long leave to look after the child, which cannot be transferred to anyone else. Each parent (adoptive, guardian) can take a part of the non-transferable two-month leave to look after the child all at once or in parts, alternating with the other parent (adoptive, guardian). Both parents (adoptive parents, and guardians) cannot take part in the non-transferable two-month parental leave at the same time.

    Both parents cannot be on childcare leave simultaneously. If one parent decides not to use their share of non-transferable leave, the total childcare leave period is adjusted accordingly.

    An employee who intends to take leave to take care of a child in accordance with paragraph 1 or 2 above or to return to work before the end of this leave must notify the employer in writing no later than fourteen calendar days in advance.

    Pay: During the non-transferable childcare months, an employee is entitled to receive 78% of their regular salary. This amount is calculated based on the person’s insured income received during the 12 consecutive months before the month preceding the entitlement month.

    If childcare leave is chosen until the child turns 18 months, the childcare allowance will be 60%  of their regular salary.

    If childcare leave is chosen until the child turns 24 months, the childcare allowance will be 45% of their regular salary until the child reaches 12 months, and from 12 to 24 months, it will be 30% of their regular salary. Labor Code, 2016 (as amended), arts. 134.

    Learning Leave

    For employees undergoing formal education programs under the following Certificates of study leave of the educational providers operating the programs:

            • 3 calendar days each for the preparation and the taking of the regular examinations for the exam;
            • preparation and holding of credit tests – 2 calendar days for each credit transfer;
            • to perform laboratory work and consult – as many days as specified in the training plans and schedules;
            • diploma (bachelor’s, master’s) thesis or doctoral dissertation or art project complete and defend – 30 calendar days;
            • to prepare for and take state (final) examinations – 6 calendar days for each exam.
            • For staff participating in non-formal adult education programs, up to 5 working days a year of study leave to participate in non-formal learning in adult education programs.
            • For employees whose employment relationship with the employer lasts more than 5 years, the period of study leave given above- is 10 working days in any one working year if  participation is not formalized


    Employees who are self-educated are not paid for their educational leave unless otherwise agreed in collective agreements or by agreement between the parties. Labor Code, 2016 (as amended), arts. 135.

    Creative Leave

    The employee may be granted, on the agreement, a creative leave of up to 12 months to create a work of art, a work of science. The remuneration for work and creative leave is governed by labor law and agreements between the parties. Labor Code, 2016 (as amended), arts. 136.

    Unpaid Leave
    Employees shall be entitled to the below unpaid leaves –
            • Employee raising a child under fourteen years – up to 14 calendar days
            • A disabled employee, as well as an employee raising a disabled child up to eighteen for a person with a disability who has been identified as having a permanent need for care – up to  30 calendar days
            • An employee caring for a sick family member – for such time as he/she recommends health care institution;
            • An employee entering into a marriage, – up to 3 calendar days;
            • An employee to attend the funeral of a deceased family member – up to 5 calendar days
            • Unpaid leave of more than one working day (shift) may be taken at the request of the employee and with the consent of the employer.
            • During the child’s mother’s pregnancy and maternity leave and the father’s leave to look after the child at his request (the mother – during the father’s leave to look after the child); the total duration of this leave cannot exceed 3 months.

    During the working day (shift), at the employee’s request, if the employer agrees, free time is provided to satisfy the employee’s personal needs. The employer must provide free time off to the employee if the employee’s request is related to urgent family reasons in the event of an illness or accident in which the employee must be directly involved. The parties to the employment contract may agree on the transfer of working time to the next working day (shift), without violating the requirements of maximum working time and minimum rest time. Labor Code, 2016 (as amended), arts. 137.

    Disclaimer: The material provided above is for informational purposes only and is subject to change. We endeavor to keep all material up-to-date and correct but make no representations about the information's completeness, accuracy, or reliability. Laws vary by jurisdiction and are subject to change and interpretation based on individual factors that may differ between organizations. The material is not meant to constitute legal advice and we suggest you seek the advice of legal counsel in connection with any of the information presented.