Portfolio Management
Easily group and manage all project, resource and cost metrics related to portfolio as a single entity.

Portfolio Planning
Align with strategy
Define your portfolio and set all parameters needed to see which projects make it to the portfolio based on your strategy.
Rank projects
Leverage project priority, project risk, project value, type of projects and other attributes to get project ranking that meets your needs
Set high level scope
Define more detailed project, task, resource, cost and other estimates based on initial plans.
Portfolio governance
Gain global governance for all your project portfolios and ensure consistent execution
Portfolio analysis
Ensure your organization is working on a mix of projects as per your strategy and understand the trade-offs

Manage Portfolio Performance
Unified view of project portfolio
Gain real-time visibility with a single source of truth for all your projects and your portfolios to make proactive decisions
Add projects to portfolio
You can easily add and roll-up similar projects into a portfolio of projects and manage a variety of portfolio in your organization.
Key portfolio metrics
Set key project portfolio metrics like hours, costs and more
Real-time tracking
Centrally view and manage all projects associated with a program in real-time and gain instant visibility.
Proactive decisions
Make proactive decisions and manage your service delivery in-the-now.
Portfolio performance
Gain full visibility into portfolio profitability and performance.