Which time zones follow Daylight Saving Time?

The lists below show which time zones observe Daylight Saving Time (DST), and which ones do not.  The names of the time zones that observe DST change when Daylight Saving time begins each year. For example, Morocco Standard Time becomes Morocco Daylight Time. However, the names always show as 'Standard' in Replicon.

Replicon accounts for the change to and from DST automatically. If a user makes an ambiguous time entry (i.e. adds an in or out time that occurs during the hour that is repeated when clocks are set back), users will be prompted to choose whether they meant their entry to appear in the first or second occurrence of that hour.

Time zones that observe DST

Morocco Standard Time
GMT Standard Time
W. Europe Standard Time
Central Europe Standard Time
Romance Standard Time
Central European Standard Time
Namibia Standard Time
Jordan Standard Time
GTB Standard Time
Middle East Standard Time
Egypt Standard Time
FLE Standard Time
Israel Standard Time
Arabic Standard Time
Iran Standard Time
Azerbaijan Standard Time
Mauritius Standard Time
Caucasus Standard Time
Pakistan Standard Time
W. Australia Standard Time
Cen. Australia Standard Time
AUS Eastern Standard Time
Tasmania Standard Time
New Zealand Standard Time
Fiji Standard Time
Tonga Standard Time
Azores Standard Time
E. South America Standard Time
Argentina Standard Time
Greenland Standard Time
Montevideo Standard Time
Newfoundland Standard Time
Paraguay Standard Time
Atlantic Standard Time
Central Brazilian Standard Time
Pacific SA Standard Time
Eastern Standard Time
US Eastern Standard Time
Central America Standard Time
Central Standard Time
Central Standard Time (Mexico)
Mountain Standard Time (Mexico)
Mountain Standard Time
Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)
Pacific Standard Time
Alaskan Standard Time

Time zones that don't observe DST

Greenwich Standard Time
W. Central Africa Standard Time
South Africa Standard Time
E. Europe Standard Time
Arab Standard Time
E. Africa Standard Time
Arabian Standard Time
Russian Standard Time
Georgian Standard Time
Afghanistan Standard Time
West Asia Standard Time
India Standard Time
Sri Lanka Standard Time
Nepal Standard Time
Central Asia Standard Time
Ekaterinburg Standard Time
Myanmar Standard Time
SE Asia Standard Time
N. Central Asia Standard Time
China Standard Time
North Asia Standard Time
Singapore Standard Time
Taipei Standard Time
North Asia East Standard Time
Tokyo Standard Time
Korea Standard Time
AUS Central Standard Time
E. Australia Standard Time
West Pacific Standard Time
Yakutsk Standard Time
Central Pacific Standard Time
Vladivostok Standard Time
Kamchatka Standard Time
Samoa Standard Time
Cape Verde Standard Time
Mid-Atlantic Standard Time
SA Eastern Standard Time
SA Western Standard Time
Venezuela Standard Time
SA Pacific Standard Time
Canada Central Standard Time
US Mountain Standard Time
Hawaiian Standard Time
Dateline Standard Time

Related links

Adding users and assigning them user profile settings
About the user profile fields
Setting up locations
Using data import to mass add, update, and delete data