What does the Progress column in timesheets show?
A progress bar graph may display on the right end of task rows on your timesheet.
This shows the hours worked / hours estimate for the task. Note that:
- Hours worked by all workers are included, not just the timesheet owner’s
- Hours do not have to be submitted or approved to be included
- Billable and non-billable hours are included
- Hours worked on sub-tasks are always excluded from the total
These graphs can help your team know when you’re approaching estimates. For example, if you have an agreement with a client that you won’t exceed an estimate, they’ll help managers know when they need to re-negotiate. They can also help you find tasks to enter time against in your timesheet.
Why do progress graphs only display in certain rows?
In legacy Standard and In/Out timesheets in Replicon, these graphs only display in task rows, not in project rows. In configurable timesheets, the graphs will display for projects without tasks.
Also, a slash may display when the hours estimate has been exceeded, depending on what product you’re using.
Related links
What does the Target Billable Hours graph show?
Entering time in a timesheet
Timesheet tour
How do I enter time at the project level, instead of against a task?
Selecting projects and tasks on your timesheet