Understanding API error responses
If you encounter an error when you're using the Replicon API, you can find information about what caused it in its response. This topic will help you learn how to read the parts of an error, plus give you some examples of Replicon error types, and error codes.
For some examples of errors you might encounter when using the API, refer to Common API error scenarios.
Understanding the structure of an error response
If you're using the Replicon API and you encounter an error, the first thing you should do is check the details.displayText and type descriptions in the error response to understand what went wrong.
The body of each error response on the reference pages will look something like this:
{"error":{"correlationId":"6bbee236b2e94332ac07e2bee9fd177c","details":{"displayText":"Unit Of Work Id must be a non-empty string value"},"type":"MissingRequiredParameterError1"}}
correlationId |
Identifies the request the error relates to |
We recommend including this value if you need to submit a ticket to Replicon Support about the error; it will help us identify which request was yours. |
details.displayText |
A human-readable description of the error, included if available |
Use this description to understand details of the error |
type |
The programmatic error type |
Use this field to gain more information about the type of error |
Example of an error response
Here's an example of a full error response, with the details.displayText and type highlighted:
1 {
2 "error": {
3 "code": "Sender",
4 "correlationId": "39d484eb601349d69e7e296fb064e293",
5 "reason": "The creator of this fault did not specify a Reason.",
6 "details": {
7 "displayText": "Invalid UserTargetParameter. One of uri or loginName should be specified in the target.",
8 "target": {
9 "loginName": “randerson”,
10 "parameterCorrelationId": null,
11 "uri": null
12 }
13 },
14 "type": "InvalidUserTargetParameterError1"
15 }
16 }
Examples of error types
UserHolidayCalendarModificationParameterError1 UserModificationsParameterError1 UserSchedulePolicyScheduleModificationParameterError1 UserTimeZoneModificationParameterError1 UserWorkWeekStartDayModificationParameterError1 UserLocationScheduleModificationParameterError1 UserDivisionScheduleModificationParameterError1 UserCostCenterScheduleModificationParameterError1 UserServiceCenterScheduleModificationParameterError1 UserEmployeeTypeGroupScheduleModificationParameterError1 UserDepartmentGroupScheduleModificationParameterError1 UserTotalBusinessCostScheduleModificationParameterError1 UserTimesheetPeriodScheduleModificationParameterError1 UserPermissionSetModificationParameterError1 PlaceAssignmentScheduleModificationParameterError1 UserPolicyDataAccessScopeModificationParameterError1 UserPolicyDataAccessScopeModificationParameterError2 PolicyDataAccessScopeParameterError2 PolicyDataAccessScopeLocationParameterError1 PolicyDataAccessScopeDivisionParameterError1 PolicyDataAccessScopeCostCenterParameterError1 |
PolicyDataAccessScopeServiceCenterParameterError1 LocationTargetParameterError1 DivisionTargetParameterError1 CostCenterTargetParameterError1 ServiceCenterTargetParameterError1 LocationTargetNotFoundError1 DivisionTargetNotFoundError1 LocationTargetNotFoundError1 DivisionTargetNotFoundError1 CostCenterTargetNotFoundError1 ServiceCenterTargetNotFoundError1 TimeBankPolicyModificationParameterError1 UriError1 UserTargetParameterError1 PayRuleScriptTargetParameterError1 PayRateDimensionParameterError1 UserPayRateScheduleEntryParameterError1 UserActivityModificationParameterError1 UserNotificationPreferencesModificationParameterError1 UserSecuritySettingsModificationParameterError1 RoleTargetParameterError1 |
About the error codes
Replicon API errors have a '400' HTTP status code.
Common error codes are shown in the table below with their meanings.
200 |
Success |
400 |
Bad request |
401 |
Unauthorized |
403 |
Forbidden |
500 |
Internal server error |
502 |
Bad gateway |
503 |
Service unavailable |
If you receive a '500' error with no description of the error, you can contact Replicon Support for help or to report the omission.
Related links
Introduction to the Replicon API
Using the API
Getting started with Replicon's API
API authentication
Viewing the available API operations