Transferring payroll data to ADP
Once your employees have started recording their time in Replicon, you’ll want to begin regular transfers of calculated pay data back to ADP, so you can process payroll from that application.
You will transfer pay data using Replicon’s Payroll Workbench.
This topic applies only to customers using our Replicon for ADP RUN or Replicon for ADP Workforce Now products, available exclusively from the ADP Marketplace.
Please confirm that Time Sheet Import module is available in ADP RUN before attempting to send payroll data to Replicon.
If needed, you can send a pay run using test data from Replicon to ensure it is imported into ADP RUN successfully, then delete the run from both Replicon and ADP RUN. If this module isn’t enabled, you’ll likely need to contact ADP to help you set it up.
If you're using multiple company codes, we recommend that you transfer data for each code in a separate pay run: If data transfer for any of the codes fails, data for other codes may still be successfully transferred, and you'll have to delete data for the successful batches manually. Using separate pay runs avoids this scenario.
Transferring pay data to ADP RUN
Ensure you’ve mapped all relevant earning codes to Replicon pay codes before attempting to transfer pay data.
To transfer data:
- Go to Payroll > Payroll Workbench.
- Choose the correct ADP Pay Frequency for the users whose pay data you want to transfer.
You can only transfer one ADP pay frequency at a time.
- Choose a date range that exactly matches the pay schedule for the pay frequency you selected.
For example, if users with a Weekly pay frequency have a pay period that runs from Feb 4 - 10, select that exact range for the pay run dates. An error will occur if dates don’t match.
You must select a date range, even if all users have the same pay frequency assigned.
- Click the Create Pay Run button.
- Click Export, and select the Send to ADP option.
This will send the pay run data to ADP RUN.
- Log in to ADP RUN.
In ADP RUN, you’ll find the data imported under Time Sheet Import. You’ll need to select the pay frequency to view the data.
- Accept and approve the import, and carry out payroll processing.
Ensure processing for all previous pay runs for this frequency is complete in ADP before importing a new pay run – you may encounter an error if you don’t.
Do not use the Pay Run Status filter – it doesn’t apply to ADP RUN.
You can find more detailed information at Using Replicon to prepare payroll. Note that some features of the Payroll Workbench are not applicable to Replicon for ADP RUN users.
Troubleshooting errors
The most common causes of transfer errors are:
- The date selected does not must match the pay period for the ADP Pay Frequency setting selected
To resolve the error, ensure these dates match.
- A previous pay run for that pay frequency has not been fully processed.
Ensure all pay runs for that frequency are finalized before transferring a new pay run.
Transferring pay data to ADP Workforce Now
To transfer data:
- Go to Payroll > Payroll Workbench.
- Use the filters to choose which data to transfer.
- Click the Create Pay Run button.
- Click Export, and select the Send to ADP option.
This will send the pay run data to ADP Workforce Now.
- Log in to ADP Workforce Now.
The data is sent as a payroll batch.
- Accept and approve the import, and carry out payroll processing.
Unlike the ADP RUN transfer, when transferring to ADP Workforce Now, previous pay runs do not need to be complete before you can transfer data. Also, you can use the Pay Run Status and Date filter to filter for prior period adjustments.
You can find more detailed information at Using Replicon to prepare payroll.
Related links
Integrating with ADP
Purchasing and configuring Replicon for ADP
Transferring ADP employees to Replicon
Transferring payroll data to ADP
Managing Replicon users in the ADP Marketplace