Tracking your team’s bank balances

Looking for information on our overtime banking feature?
For information on using our overtime banking functionality, refer to Setting up legacy Replicon times > Setting up overtime banking.

A bank is a deposit of accumulated work time that is assigned to a user that they can use to take time off.

Commonly, they’re used to administer flex time to users. For example, they can allow a user to collect hours they work above their scheduled hours, then later use those banked hours during periods when they work under their scheduled hours.

Refer to Setting up banks for more information.

Viewing your team’s bank balances

To view your team’s bank balances, go to Team > Banks. The Banks tab lists your team members and their current bank balances.

Click a team member’s hours to view their bank adjustment history.


Are bank balances updated when you record time in your timesheet, or when you submit a timesheet?

The bank script in use determines when bank balances are updated.

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