Tracking the approval status of items

Looking for help with this feature in Polaris PSA or Polaris PPM? Check out Tracking the approval status of items in the Polaris help.

When you are ready to process your payroll, bill a client, or run cost reports, you may want to confirm that all timesheets, time off, and expenses for the period are submitted and approved. If an item is stuck in the approval process, you can contact the owner's approvers. Or, you may be able to bypass regular approvals.

Checking the approval status

To check the approval status of items:

  1. Go to the Billing, Payroll, or Cost section.
  2. Select the tab for the items you want to check, either Timesheets, Time Off, or Expenses.

If you're a billing or cost manager, and want to approve time entries, select Time Entries from the View By field located in the top, right-hand corner of the Timesheets page.

  1. Choose a date range to filter by at the top of the page.
  2. Select the filters to view the items with a particular status. For example, to view unsubmitted and unapproved items, use the Not Submitted and Waiting for Approval filters, respectively.

Identifying an item's approvers

If you find that certain timesheets, time off bookings, or expenses are not yet approved, you can contact the item's approvers to find out the cause of the delay.


To find a timesheet’s approvers:

  1. Find the timesheet in the Timesheets tab.

The name of the next approver displays in the Waiting on Approver column.

  1. To view all of the remaining approvers, open the timesheet.
  2. Hover your mouse over the See all approvers link at the top of the timesheet. The pending approvers' names display.

Time off bookings

To find a time off booking’s approvers:

  1. Find the booking in the Time Off tab.
  2. Open the booking.

The pending approvers are shown on the right side of the booking dialog.


To find an expense sheet's approvers:

  1. Find the expense sheet on the Expenses tab.
  2. The name of the next approver displays in the Waiting On column.

If this column is not shown, click the  icon to enable it.

  1. To view all the approvers, open the expense sheet.

The approvers are listed under the main expense sheet table. This includes all approvers, whether they have already approved or not.

  1. To see which of these people have already approved, scroll down to the Approval Details table.


What does it mean if the timesheet status is Submitting...?

When a timesheet is submitted, the system completes some final processing and validates the data. During this process, the status is set to Submitting.... Typically, you won't see this status as the validation only takes a short time. However, in rare cases it may take a bit longer. Once the processing is complete, the timesheet status automatically updates to either Waiting for Approval. Or, it may change to Submission Failed or Rejected.

Timesheets with the Submitting... status are included under the Not Submitted filter.

If you're a billing or cost manager, and are tracking time entries, select Time Entries from the View By field located in the top, right-hand corner of the page.

What does Submission Failed mean?

The Submission Failed timesheet status means the timesheet was not submitted because its validation criteria weren’t met. If you hover your cursor over the Submission Failed label, details about the validation errors display, so you can correct them and attempt to submit the timesheet again.

If my timesheet displays Rejected what should I do?

If an approver rejects the timesheet, the status updates to Rejected and the tooltip displays the approver’s comments or reasons for rejection. You can address the reasons for rejection and submit the timesheet again.

Related links

How approvals work
Bypassing regular approvals
Correcting an item
Deleting and regenerating a timesheet