Monitoring your employees’ adherence to shift schedules
As a shift supervisor or a schedule manager, you can use the Attendance Monitoring component on the Home page to track your employees’ attendance and their adherence to the current day’s shift schedule.
The Attendance Monitoring component lets you monitor the current shift, plus the previous and next shift, in the current day. You can track and filter each employee by their work status, such as whether they are currently working, if they were late, or if they are on break.
If an employee is absent, the tool allows you to quickly find a suitable replacement. You can also add punches if an employee missed adding them.
You can make the Home page your landing page that displays by default when you log in.
Accessing the Attendance Monitoring tool
To access the Attendance Monitoring component:
- Click the
icon to open the Home page.
- Click Refresh Now on the Attendance Monitoring component.
Monitoring schedule adherence
Once you've accessed the Adherence Monitoring tool, you can use it to view and monitor employees and their shift statuses.
Viewing employee statuses |
These are the employee statuses you can view for each worker:
Statuses display either to the right of or underneath the employee’s name: Use the |
Selecting the shift you want to view |
Click one of the following shifts to view:
Selecting a work status to view |
Click the status filters to display only employees who currently have that status. Scroll to the right to view all filters. |
Finding replacements for absent employees
If an employee is a no-show in the current shift, you can quickly find a replacement with matching skills and experience, to handle the pertinent tasks.
To find a replacement for an absent employee:
- Access the Adherence Monitoring tool.
- In the Attendance Monitoring section, scroll to the employee who is absent and click Find replacement.
The Schedule page displays, listing employees pre-filtered by the skill set matching the absentee’s skill set.
- Select the name of the matching employee and assign them to the shift.
Editing punches
Sometimes you need to edit the punches of employees who missed punching in or punching out.
To edit the punches:
- Access the Adherence Monitoring tool.
- In the Attendance Monitoring component, click the
icon located to the right of the employee name.
The time punch details display.
- Click More details.
The Team page displays.
- You can use the Time Punches tab to edit the punches.