Entering expenses using the Replicon Mobile app
Looking for help with this feature in Polaris PSA or Polaris PPM? Check out Entering expenses using the Replicon Mobile app in the Polaris help.
To enter expenses using the Replicon Mobile app:
- Log in to the app, and tap the icon.
A menu screen displays.
- Tap the Expenses option.
A list of existing expense sheets displays.
- Tap the icon at the top, right hand corner of the screen to create a new expense sheet.
- Enter a title and expense sheet date, and change the reimbursement currency, if needed. Then tap Save.
- Tap the icon in the top, right-hand corner to add an expense entry to the expense sheet.
- Enter the expense details. The fields in your expense entry may be differ slightly depending on your company’s implementation.
Be sure to move the Bill Client switch to Yes if the expense is to be billed to the client.
- Tap Receipt Photo to upload expense receipts. If you have the receipt with you, tap Take Photo to take a photo of the receipt and attach it to the expense sheet. Or, tap Choose from Library to choose from photos saved on your mobile device.
- Tap Save to save the expense entry.
- Tap the icon in the top, right hand corner if you need to add more expense entries.
- Once you've finished entering your expense entries, tap Submit.
Related links
Expense sheet tour
Entering expenses
Using the Replicon Mobile app
How do I correct my expenses after I've submitted them?
Attaching a receipt to your expense entry