Defining work days and times using office schedules
Looking for help with this feature in Polaris PSA or Polaris PPM? Check out Defining work days and times using office schedules in the Polaris help.
Replicon offers two types of schedules:
- Office schedules
- Shift-based schedules
Office schedules are typically assigned to users whose work hours conform to a set pattern that rarely changes.
You can create new office schedules to meet your needs, or use the defaults available. Once you’ve defined your schedules, you’ll need to assign them to users in their user profiles.
How office schedules are used in Replicon
Office schedules are used to determine the user’s work hours per day. Hours per day is used to calculate time off and normalized costs, and is used in resource allocation.
Office schedules are also used in some overtime rule, pay rule, and validation rule calculations.
Adding a new office schedule
To add a new schedule:
- Go to Administration > Schedules > Office Schedules.
- Click New Office Schedule.
- Give the schedule a name, and update its pattern length, if necessary.
If you change the pattern length from 7 days, you’ll also have to set the pattern’s start date.
The hours entry table will update to reflect the pattern length entered.
- In the table, enter the hours users are expected to work each day.
A preview of the schedule will display in the calendars on the right-hand side of the page.
- Click Save.
You can now assign the office schedule to users in their user profiles.
What do pattern length and start date mean?
Pattern length is typically a week (7 days), but may be longer or shorter, for different types of work. For example, staff may work a schedule of 4 days on and 4 days off. In this case, you would create a schedule pattern that is 8 days long.
If your schedule will have a non-standard pattern (that is, anything other than 7 repeated days) you’ll have to enter the pattern’s start date. A start date needs to be defined because, unlike a 7-day pattern that links hours to specific days of the week, non-standard patterns have no default reference to the calendar. The start date provides that reference.
The pattern start date defines when the pattern begins with reference to the calendar only; each user’s start date determines when the schedule applies to them.
Should we include working hours only in daily hours, or break hours, too?
The hours you enter may be used to calculate things like time off and normalized costs. Therefore, you should include only normal working hours for which users are typically paid in the schedule.
Related links
Adding users and assigning them user profile settings
About the user profile fields
How shift scheduling works
What happens if we update an employee's schedule for a day when they've booked time off?
Using data import to mass add, update, and delete data