Changes in compliance are continuous and are occurring around the globe. At Replicon, our goal is to make sure you’re never a step behind. The UK government has introduced significant amendments to employment law, set to take effect in 2025. The amendments primarily impact statutory leave entitlements, pay provisions, and sick pay rates, reflecting a broader commitment to work-life balance and employee welfare. Read on as we cover some of the notable changes in detail.
Changes in compliance are continuous and are occurring around the globe. At Replicon, our goal is to make sure you’re never a step behind. Effective April 1, 2025, amendments to Singapore Labor Law introduces significant changes to parental leave entitlements.Read on as we cover some of the notable changes in detail.
Changes in compliance are continuous and are occurring around the globe. At Replicon, our goal is to make sure you’re never a step behind. Effective February 23, 2025, amendments to South Korea’s Gender Equal Employment and Work-Family Balance Assistance Act and the Labor Standards Act will bring notable changes to paternity leave, childcare leave, infertility treatment leave, and pregnancy-related workplace accommodations. Read on as we cover some of the notable changes in detail.
Changes in compliance are continuous and are occurring around the globe. At Replicon, our goal is to make sure you’re never a step behind. Effective March 19, 2025, an amendment to the Polish Labor Code introduces additional maternity leave for parents of newborns born prematurely or requiring extended hospitalization due to medical conditions. Read on as we cover some of the notable changes in detail.
Changes in compliance are continuous and are occurring around the globe. At Replicon, our goal is to make sure you’re never a step behind. Effective March 2025, employees in Serbia will no longer have to manually provide sick leave certificates to their employers. Read on as we cover some of the notable changes in detail.
Changes in compliance are continuous and are occurring around the globe. At Replicon, our goal is to make sure you’re never a step behind. The Japanese Parliament has recently enacted amendments to the Childcare and Family Care Leave Act and the Development of the Next-Generation Children Act which shall enhance the flexible work entitlements for working parents. Read on as we cover some of the notable changes in detail.
With increasing demands and shorter deadlines for work, the need for productivity has become more crucial than ever to get more done in less time and maintain competitiveness. This has… Read More
United Kingdom: Upcoming Labour Law Amendments The UK government has introduced significant amendments to employment law, set to take effect in 2025. The amendments primarily impact statutory leave entitlements, pay… Read More
Singapore: Upcoming Amendments to Labor Law On November 13, 2024, the Singapore Parliament passed the Child Development Co-Savings (Amendment) Bill (“Act”), introducing significant changes to parental leave entitlements under… Read More
Changes in compliance are continuous and are occurring around the globe. At Replicon, our goal is to make sure you’re never a step behind. Malaysia is amending the weekly working… Read More
Changes in compliance are continuous and are occurring around the globe. At Replicon, our goal is to make sure you’re never a step behind. Canada has introduced a new paid… Read More
Disclaimer: The material provided above is for informational purposes only and is subject to change. We endeavor to keep all material up-to-date and correct but make no representations about the information's completeness, accuracy, or reliability. Laws vary by jurisdiction and are subject to change and interpretation based on individual factors that may differ between organizations. The material is not meant to constitute legal advice and we suggest you seek the advice of legal counsel in connection with any of the information presented.